A brief history. Switzerland began centuries ago when three farmers met in a field, gripped hands, and took a vow to support each other against all outsiders and to protect their ability to be what each wanted without anyone else dictating choices. United, but individual.
That sums up Switzerland in a nutshell. They protect their country from outsiders and fiercely defend their differences within. They have four national languages and do not seek to change that since it would go against the prime directive--German, French, Italian, and Romansch.
So the official name of Switzerland is not Switzerland to them. Ever wonder in the Olympics why Switzerland is CH instead of some SW or SZ combination? It's because their name is in Latin (to make sure one national language was not preferred over any other). The abbreviation "CH" stands for the county's official name in Latin "Confoederatio Helvetica" which in plain English means "Helvetic Confederation". It is commonly referred to as the Confederation Helvetica.
Why did I take time to explain this? Because I want to type CH and have you understand that I am talking about Switzerland--which takes five times as long to type and is difficult since it calls for that very hard to catch "z" which my pinkie always stumbles on. lol
Moving day again, in CH
I was smarter today. For a small fee, I sent my luggage by train to Grindelwald and the Chalet Gletschertal (Glacier House) came to pick it up. When I got to my new abode, it was waiting there for me.
I just had to find the chalet.
That was an unwanted adventure into dump-this-broad-cuz-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-her land. I've been dumped by men before, but I have to give it to the man on the giving end today. The bus driver took top marks in the category. lol
I was told by the train station agent to get on Bus 12 and it would take me there, but be sure to tell the bus driver so he could tell me which stop to disembark at.
What to do with her?
The ride up the mountain was winding and at a pace of 25-30 mph and less. Many sights to see. Actually saw the first Swiss cows with bells as they crossed the road in front of us.Then, there were the tiny spots in the sky above the Eiger (another high peak). There were dozens of people parasailing off the peak. Look closely in the sky above. Tiny dots. Dozens.
Little cutie pie youngster who sat on his grandmother's lap. The bus had to toot a really loud and long horn every corner of this small windy road and it startled the child. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He finally giggled and it was too melt-your-heart cute.
(I digress for a moment now, for this young man reminds me of another young man I sat by on the train--a hottie from Valencia who only spoke Spanish. I got to practice my Spanish and chat. Then I asked if I could take a picture of his hair for my niece. Holly! Enjoy! I did it for you!)
Yes, I am making passes at hot men on trains. lol
Anyways, back to the bus driver. He drove me all up that mountain and didn't find my chalet. Then he came back down the same winding roads--as if I wouldn't notice.
Finally, at one stop an hour and 15 minutes later he opened his door and told me that was the stop I was looking for. I believed when he told me that my chalet was just up around that corner right there, as the bus drove off.
Only there was no chalet around the corner. There was no corner. The fence ended at a wall. I was dumped in CH. lol Yep, I came 5,000 miles for that thrill. And he left me in his dust as he sped away.
A young man tending garden right there didn't speak any English so was no help. I had to walk to a hotel 100 yards away. There, the very kind clerk called my chalet and they told me to go back to town and meet them at the train station. They would come and pick me up.
But even waiting at the train station provided a spectacular view with flowering window boxes and gargantuan cliffs across the street.
Big and little business
My little holiday apartment where I will spend the next 13 days is delightful. Cute as a button and still with a great view AND a balcony to enjoy it on.Those that know me can tell you that I have pushed both circles. I can now report that they do the identical thing--they flush the toilet. The bigger circle is for big flushes and the little is for little flushes. 'Nuf said. ;)
As I close out my evening, I looked for my chocolate bar only to find Howler and Mate fighting over it. As if.
It is mine.
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