Thursday, October 4, 2012

What do you do with your stale bread?

I opened my cupboard today and found a spot of mold on a bun I had.  If I had been in my kitchen in Mesa, AZ, I would have thought nothing of it as I tossed it into the trash at the end of the counter.

But here....

It was an opportunity!   I gathered another couple of rolls, which were a little hard on the edge since the air got to them, and hopped on a train.  Off to Zurich I went.  In 15 minutes, I was in Zurich.  Ten minutes later I was at the edge of Lake Zurich.  I was able to make a group of swans, ducks, and seagulls (swimming like swans and ducks) PLUS two little boys very happy.  I gave the little boys some of the rolls to throw to the swans and they were thrilled.

So I had this little impromptu fun event.  Way cool!  Plus, I got to see this pretty dusk sky and the lake cruise boat just as it was leaving.  Very nice.

Returning to the Zurich Bahnhof, I noticed there was a big event in one end of the main floor of the terminal.  I went closer to investigate.  There were kiddie rides outside, people gathered eating various tasty treats cooked right there, and a big tent.  Inside the tent....Oktoberfest!!!  Yep.  I am in the place where Oktoberfest is going on.

There was a live band and I sat down at the end of a table as rows and rows of other tables were filled with revelers.  There were dirndls and laderhosen worn by the wait staff AND many in the crowd.  A sort of early dress up prior to Halloween.  :) 
I bought a plate with Schweinflesch (pork) and a lovely glass of mineral water, no gas.  If you don't tell them "no gas," they will bring you carbonated water--mineral wasser mit gas.  
The pork was very tender and flavorful.  The band played some souped-up oom-pa-pa numbers with rock and roll beat. A couple of them got the crowd waving their giant beer glasses around and one that inspired them to stand up and dance--some standing on the benches, some on the tables.  

A lively spirit of celebration was evident.  (And it was only Tuesday night.  Remind me to NOT return on the livelier weekend nights. lol)

My final entries for the production in Basel

I wanted to share a few more photos of the theatre experience.  First, let me take you to the bathroom.... 

I found this little bathroom stall to be unique in that it had the sink right inside the stall.  Do your duty and wash up right in the stall.  Tiny little sink.  Cute.

Additionally, I wanted to show you the theatre stage and audience area.  The five chairs set up on the stage are for the first play about a guy who keeps getting hit by fly balls at baseball games.

Lastly, I want to finish off the play participation as makeup assistant by sharing with you a link to a news report featuring a couple of cast from the play.  If you watch carefully, you will see yours truly sitting in the background briefly as the camera is filming the person being interviewed.   They filmed this interview the second night before the performance had begun and we had finished all the makeup at that point.  I am sitting in the back by the mirrors.

I guess I need to lengthen my stride...

There is something wrong with my stride.  I don't know what it is.  I have done more walking in the past few weeks than I have done in the last 10 years at least.  So I think I'm getting really good at it.  I am getting up hills and down paths and across streets and along sidewalks aplenty.  But the Swiss step is something I don't have.

I have no idea why I don't have it, either.  All I know is that several of us will get off the train, the bus, the tram at the same time, at the same point.  Within two minutes, I'm half a block behind everyone else.  Old, young, male,'s crazy.  And I'm NOT WALKING SLOW!

One night after getting dropped off the bus, I was determined to keep up with this young gal that got off at my stop too.  Coincidentally, she was headed down the same path I was taking.  She probably thought I was a stalker because I was right on her heels until I turned off into my apartment row.  But I kept up.  And it didn't feel like I was walking any differently than I normally do.....I don't know what it's all about.  I give up. Maybe I just have some American amble.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  lol

I have seen many teens and adults opt for a Razor scooter of some sort
(especially in the train stations) to make their foot traffic experience faster and easier.  It is also very common to see a mom or dad pushing a stroller with one child in it and another sibling keeping up by riding a miniature scooter alongside.  
I saw this cute youngster in Basel walking with his mom and asked if I could take his picture.  His mother thanked me for asking and gave me permission to take Elia's picture. (Pronounced like Ilya [kuryakin] from the Man From U.N.C.L.E.)

But my favorite transportation, which thrills me still....and is overhead even as I type tonight.... 


And may all your journeys be safe and bring you many smiles.  

The Swiss Military in a famously neutral land

Every weekend, starting on Friday during the day, I see young men (and some young women) dressed in military fatigues on the trains.  They are heading to their weekend commitment to the Swiss Military.  I see them when they return to their various lives via the trains, buses, etc., on Sunday evening.  This particular group of young men was gathering in the Neuchatel train station while I was waiting to meet up with my hostess for the weekend. 

If you recall, I mentioned in an earlier blog a shooting range that I came across as I was walking to the Highland Games event.  That shooting range is how those who are in their later 20s and 30s maintain their rifle skills and make sure their weapon is in good working order.  

When the prescribed military service is completed, each Swiss "soldier" is expected to take their arm(s) and keep them in their home.  The ammunition is not allowed in the home, just the arm.  Recently, there was a vote that reduced the number of arms that were needed by CH, so many in their 30s turned their rifles/pistols in.

Here is a link to a very interesting blog from a gentleman who has had an opportunity to shoot at the rifle ranges in CH.  It is a very fascinating thing.  I was a little bit shocked on that day earlier when I found that the shooting range was right in the middle of traffic and people walking about on a sidewalk very close by.  

But....the Swiss expect that everyone will do as they are supposed to do.  

It seems to work for them.

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